A Beginner’s Guide to the WordPress Interactivity API

Learn how to use the WordPress Interactivity API, why it’s essential, and how it simplifies adding interactive features to your blocks. Discover seamless integration with PHP server-side rendering and real-world examples of dynamic user experiences.

JavaScript Modules (ES6 Modules) Explained: Tutorial for Beginners

One of the most useful features added to the JavaScript language in recent years is JavaScript modules, also referred to as ES6 modules. In this tutorial, I’ll cover some of the history of JavaScript modules, show you a handful of syntax examples, and introduce all their basic features.

20+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2024 – We Did the Research for You

Just like apps enhance your phone, some of the best WordPress plugins can transform a basic WordPress site into something special. From powerful SEO tools to simple contact form plugins, it’s impressive how a quick ten-second installation can make such a big difference.